Category: First aid blog


How to Help a Choking Baby

A choking baby is any mother or fathers worst nightmare. However, if you read this simple guide, it can prepare you for this type of emergency situation. It is important to understand when a...


The Top 5 First Aid Tips & Tricks

Knowing basic first aid can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency situation. In addition, knowing how to treat common injuries and illnesses correctly is an essential life skill for everybody!...


Common signs of a serious head injury

Head injuries are common and potentially serious injuries. Head injuries have a range of severity from minor concussion to life-threatening / life-altering brain injuries.  Knowing the warning signs of a serious head injury is...


Should you induce vomiting for poisoning?

Poisoning occurs when an external substance damages health or endangers life. A common method of coming into contact with a poisonous substance is ingestion – either deliberate or accidental. Children under five are most at...


How to use an Epinephrine Autoinjector in Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis is a life threatening whole body allergic reaction. The main treatment for Anaphylaxis is Epinephrine (Adrenaline) delivered via an autoinjector device. You can learn more about Anaphylaxis by taking our free online Anaphylaxis Awareness...


What are the two types of heat stroke?

Heat stroke occurs from the sudden loss of the body’s ability to control its core temperature. Heat stroke is a medical emergency which first aiders should be able to recognise and summon early advanced...


Anatomy for first aiders: the spinal cord

In this blog post we discuss the anatomy of the spinal cord for first aiders and first responders.  The spinal cord is a collection of nerve fibres connecting the brain to nerves which pass...


What are the four different types of shock?

Shock is the term used to describe the condition of a casualty when the oxygen supply to the tissues is inadequate to meet the needs of the body. First aiders and first responders should...