How to use an Anapen adrenaline injector

Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction which occurs when a person’s immune system overreacts to a trigger. Adrenaline is one of the emergency treatments used to treat this reaction, as it reduces the possibility of hospitalizing the patient.Anapen is an adrenaline autoinjector that aids in the treatment of such acute allergic reactions. Every Anapen device is designed in a manner such that it provides a single intramuscular dose of adrenaline to the patient’s outer-mid thigh.

What is an Anapen Adrenaline Injector?

What is an Anapen Adrenaline Injector

An Anapen adrenaline injector can help in saving the life of someone experiencing anaphylaxis or a serious allergic reaction. This single and fixed dose of adrenaline can also be given by bystanders or people who aren’t medically trained, and not just by first aiders or medical professionals.

How to Use an Anapen 

  1. Remove the Anapen from its packaging and check the expiry date.
  2. Remove the needle cap – black boot — at the base of the device by pulling gently outwards and look inside the bottom of the device to make sure the grey needle sheath has come out.
  3. Remove the black safety cap from the top of the device to expose the red firing button
  4. Hold the Anapen with your thumb closest to the red button.
  5. Press the Anapen firmly against the outer thigh at a right angle ensuring the red firing button is facing away from the thigh.
  6. Press the red firing button. You will hear a click at the moment of injection. Hold in place for 10 seconds and then remove. Massage the area for around 10 seconds
  7. Tap down the protruding needle on a hard surface to avoid needlestick injury
  8. If the casualty does not respond or the signs and symptoms return after use of the first Anapen and you have access to a second Anapen you should give a second injection

Video: How to use an Anapen

When to Use an Anapen?

When to Use an Anapen

An Anapen should be used whenever one experiences a severe allergic reaction. The reason behind this is that every time an individual goes through such an allergic reaction, they experience poor circulation and low blood pressure.

A dose of adrenaline helps in bringing the situation under control. It also reduces itching, rashes, and swelling.


1. What is an Anapen adrenaline injector used for?

An Anapen adrenaline injector is used when someone suffers from several allergic reactions.

2. Is Anapen the same as EpiPen?

No, Anapen is not the same as EpiPen.

3. How does an Anapen adrenaline injector help?

An Anapen adrenaline injector provides a dose of adrenaline to the patient suffering a severe allergic reaction, thereby aiding in handling the situation and helping with a person’s low blood pressure and poor circulation.

4. Can anyone help in administering an Anapen adrenaline injector?

Yes, anyone can help in administering an Anapen adrenaline injector, including bystanders.

5. Should an Anapen adrenaline injector only be administered by a medical professional?

No, an Anapen adrenaline injector need not only be administered by a medical professional.


For people who suffer from allergies, it’s always better to carry two Anapen adrenaline injectors in cases of emergencies. It’s important to remember that Anapen is different from EpiPen as their administration techniques are different from one another.

Being aware of the symptoms of anaphylaxis is crucial, and it’s also equally vital to know how to use an Anapen adrenaline injector accurately.

John Furst

JOHN FURST is an experienced emergency medical technician and qualified first aid and CPR instructor. John is passionate about first aid and believes everyone should have the skills and confidence to take action in an emergency situation.

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    Information taken

  2. KELVIN NAAI says:

    Great one

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