First Aid for Genital Injury: Swift Response for Proper Treatment

According to research, the most common reason for genital trauma among women of reproductive age is the injury they sustain while giving birth.

Although genital injuries could be an uncomfortable topic for some people, I believe that we should make ourselves aware of the subject so that we can help someone if they suffer from a genital injury and require assistance.

A genital injury is an injury to female or male sex organs, mainly the ones located outside the human body. Such an injury can also occur in the perineum, which is the area between a person’s legs.

An injury to the genitals can be extremely painful and can even cause plenty of bleeding, depending on how the injury occurred. Such an injury can affect a person’s reproductive organs, their urethra, and the bladder.

Whether you have suffered a genital injury yourself or have a child around who may have gone through such an experience, knowing about first aid for genital injury is indeed crucial.

In this article, we will be discussing the causes and symptoms associated with genital injuries and what to do if you witness someone experiencing them.

Causes of Genital Injuries

Genital injuries, whether they’re experienced by a male or female, can be caused by numerous factors. Some of them are as follows:

  • Injuries caused by falling or when a person straddles their legs.
  • Penis injury caused by closing the zip of one’s pants.
  • Injuries caused due to scissors and razors (such as while getting tattoos or removing pubic hair).
  • Sports-related and automobile injuries.
  • Domestic violence.
  • Self-inflicted wounds
  • Street fights.
  • Young girls (usually aged four or younger) explore their bodies using objects such as beads, crayons, buttons, and tissues.
  • Through the usage of playground equipment, including crossbars and see-saws.
  • Occupational-related injuries.
  • Injuries caused during sexual activities.

Symptoms of Genital Injuries

The signs and symptoms of a genital injury can include:

  • Swollen genitalia.
  • Bleeding due to nicks and cuts.
  • Pain that is mild, moderate, or severe based on the severity of the injury.
  • Severe bleeding caused due to severe trauma, which can include penetrating wounds.
  • Bruises or formation of a blood clot.
  • The affected skin is getting discolored.
  • Visible distortion of the penis.
  • Blood in urine and difficulties urinating in case the urethra is affected.
  • Vaginal discharge along with foul smell.
  • Injury to the urinary tract.
  • The pelvic bones getting fractured – in rare cases – if the injury is severe.

First Aid for Genital Injuries

If you suspect that the injured person has suffered sexual abuse, you must call the local emergency number right away. If there is no sexual abuse involved, then take the following steps as first aid for genital injury:

  • Make sure that no one around can see the injured site before you begin with first aid. Since genital injuries are sensitive and private parts are involved in such cases, it’s crucial to be sensitive to the patient’s emotions.
  • If it’s a minor cut, wound, or scrape, wash the region using clean water.
  • Use a clean, wet cloth or sterile dressing to stop any bleeding by applying pressure.
  • If there is a sharp object stuck in the affected region or inside a vagina, don’t try to remove it, as this can lead to further injury or bleeding.
  • If there is pain and swelling, apply an ice pack to the injured region. Never apply ice directly to the skin. Always wrap it in a towel or cloth.
  • If there is an open wound or cut, the person could need a tetanus shot.

A straddle injury could damage a person’s urinary tract or testicle. You must get immediate medical help under these circumstances:

  • If the person has difficulty urinating.
  • If there is blood in the urine.
  • If the bruising and swelling is a lot.

The local emergency services should be called right away if these situations are involved:

  • If the person has lost consciousness.
  • If there is a deep penetrating wound that is causing severe bleeding.
  • If there is blood in the urine.
  • If the affected person is a child under the age of two.


1. How long do female genital injuries last?

Vaginal tears usually heal in about a week or two. Deeper tears can take longer, especially if there are stitches involved.

2. Do genital burns heal?

Minor genital burns do heal within a week. Remember to wear loose-fitting clothes during this period, along with breathable underwear.

3. What is extra genital injury?

Extra genital injury refers to an injury experienced in a part of the body that excludes the genital area.

4. What are the common causes of genital injuries in men?

The common causes of genital injuries in men include straddle injuries, getting their private parts caught in the pant zipper, and having the toilet seat fall down on their genitals.


Genital injuries can be extremely painful, and they must be handled with a lot of sensitivity since a person’s private parts are involved.

Whether it’s a child or an adult who has suffered such an injury, you must first rule out the possibility of sexual assault before proceeding further. Once you believe there was no sexual assault involved, you can then administer the necessary first aid.

John Furst

JOHN FURST is an experienced emergency medical technician and qualified first aid and CPR instructor. John is passionate about first aid and believes everyone should have the skills and confidence to take action in an emergency situation.

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