Author: John Furst


What does AED stand for?

An AED is an Automated External Defibrillator. An AED is a medical device used to help victims of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) who are collapsed and not breathing. The AED analyzes the heart’s rhythm and, if...


First Aid Treatment for Puncture Wounds

Puncture wounds, such as stepping on a nail or being stuck with a tack, don’t bleed much, and the wound often closes up quickly.  However, these wounds can be especially dangerous due to the...


First Aid Guide to Febrile Convulsions

A febrile convulsion is a fit or seizure as a result of a fever (high temperature) and is very common in babies and young children. Unfortunately, many parents and carers know relatively little about this condition...


First Aid for Cuts and Wounds

All of us have experienced a minor cut or wound at some point in our lives. Minor cuts and scrapes usually don’t require a trip to the emergency room. However, proper first aid home treatment...


First Aid for Animal and Human Bites

Domestic pets are responsible for most animal bites. In general, dogs are more likely to bite humans than cats. However, cat bites are more likely to become infected. The correct first aid treatment is...


How to Call the Emergency Services

Calling for emergency assistance quickly is vital in many first aid situations. We all know how to call for help in our home country, but what about when travelling? Most countries have emergency numbers...


What is First Aid?

First aid is the immediate, basic, medical assistance given to an injured or suddenly ill person. It provides a stop-gap until the victim can receive professional medical care. Anyone can give first aid to...


How to Tell if a Cut is Infected

While the skin is normally a flexible and resilient barrier to the outside world, wounds that break the skin are all at risk of becoming infected. Harmful germs (bacteria) can prevent healing, increase your...


Signs and Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is sometimes called the “invisible killer”,  and here’s a good reason for this. Carbon Monoxide is a deadly gas produced by the incomplete burning of carbon-based fuels (for example, coal or...


Top 4 Mistakes When Giving Rescue Breaths

Giving rescue breaths is an important component of conventional CPR. Although some guidelines now promote ‘Hands-only CPR’ (chest compressions only), rescue breaths remain taught as part of conventional CPR. There is increasing evidence of...


How Does the Recovery Position Work?

If you’ve ever been on a first aid/CPR training course, it’s likely you’ve heard about the ‘recovery position’. The recovery position is used when someone is unconscious, but breathing normally. But, how exactly does...